Four Ways to INVITE not INCITE Millennials

By Steven A. Hitz, Founding Director
Author of Launching Leaders

November 21, 2016

Row of business people sitting at seminar with focus on smiling young man

Because our wonderful 20- to 30- somethings are quick to question all things status quo, sometimes our invitations to them to participate in worship can be checked “no” before the words ever leave our mouths – especially if they sniff out an agenda. The key is to provide pathways they can choose and not feel boxed into.

  • Make sure your invitations do not have agendas regarding outcomes. Millennials want to choose their own path and are not inclined to embark on one provided to them. Help them discover the wonderful synergy between faith and their everyday walk. Remember they will do so on their own and at their own pace; the invitation should allow this to occur naturally.
  • Use words they can relate to in terms of opportunity. In Launching Leaders we use the invitation to “Create Your Future”—indicating the principles we teach can lead to a more holistic life. Consider the word “empower.” It’s a word they can embrace as they apply the principles they learn, connected to an invitation to make it what they wish.
  • Assure your invitation will help them make a difference. Huge for this generation is their desire to not just “put in their hours” but to make a difference in the lives of others. Providing service opportunities in conjunction with or as a part of an invitations will provide a path to live out this wonderful character trait of making a difference.
  • Always celebrate the outcomes as they embark on the invitations to connect their faith to their everyday walk; EVEN if the outcomes are not what you expected. In this process of inviting, you are handing them the paint brush. As they color their world, celebrate the individuality of their experience.

In summary:

√ Allow your invitation to create a path of their choosing

√ Use words they can embrace so they might take the first steps in this journey

√ Provide opportunities in the journey that will allow their time spent to make a difference

√ Celebrate the outcomes, come what may; smile and enjoy the future they are creating

Steven A. Hitz is the author of Leadership by LIGHT: Principles That Empower, and is co-founder of Launching Leaders, a nonprofit organization that helps Millennials create their future.


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