True Friends

By Steven A. Hitz, Founding Director
Author of Launching Leaders

September 27, 2016

Who doesn’t hope to find in life not only friends, but “true friends.”  When I think of the qualities of a true friend, I think of:

  • Always authentic
  • Listens intently without judgment
  • Appreciates my idiosyncrasies
  • Isn’t unduly vociferous
  • Will come to my defense, sometimes without having to speak a word
  • And so on…….

Trust me, this is all going somewhere.

mannequin-1I took a grandson into a woman’s clothing store while my wife made a purchase there.  We were babysitting while she popped in to find something.  I let the boy run around without much supervision (watchful from a distance), and then without any warning, no guidance or prep on my part, just out of natural instinct, I beheld him holding a mannequin’s hand.

When it was apparent the relationship was warming up, he then gave her (I guess I can give the mannequin a gender based on how she was dressed?mannequin-2) a hug.  I caught this on camera.  It was so sweet and tender.

Most of us won’t discover our friends by going to a store and holding a mannequin’s hand. In fact, that might be very weird and land you in a place you didn’t anticipate.  But think of the qualities of this upstart friendship between my grandson and the mannequin, and you can laugh a little at how some of the qualities of friendship between an inanimate object and a human being are strikingly similar.

I find myself sort of out of my element wandering around a woman’s clothing store, so thankfully my observance of this start-up friendship was short lived as my wife finished her business and we separated our grandson from his new-found friend.

May we all discover true friendship in unexpected places.

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